Monday, September 13, 2004

Mont Bromsgrove

We're now into September, summer is quiet literally history. Summer ends at August 31st, and as that minute hand kisses 12 on the clock for midnight the sun jumps away from the earth and the rain begins. Yet just a few days ago I saw this weather forecast on the BBC:

The temperatures were somewhere around Mercury and humidity was at 234%. The master of the understatement that I am says that this was a little unpleasant (particularly when I have to walk two miles to get home all up hill, but that's a different moan).

I hate heat. Simple as that. I'd rather be able to choose when I feel this heat, which wouldn't be often, instead of it being imposed on me, this is why I propose a plan which will turn that forecast into one that looks like this:

All this requires is a couple of planes, a decent size chainsaw and the population of Sweden turning their heads for five minutes. Simply cut a Bromsgrove shaped chunk out of Sweden, fly it over the North Sea and delicately place it down these lands we call Mid. All this and you could turn Bromsgrove into a nicely chilled home full of snow, which everyone likes. Some of the finer details would have to be worked out later, but I think this is a plan that could work.

And about that walk home you ask? No problem. There will be a chair lift then.

Nitey nite


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