Saturday, October 09, 2004

Doc Yeti is in session

C2H5OH, better known to the rest of the world as alcohol.

After seeing Trevor drink himself through the family wine cellar, and then seeing the resulting hangover, I feel prompted to write about some remedies to the headache of the morning. Something my associates may value aswell.

  • Stick to clear alcohol, excessive beer drinking is only for the fans of pain
  • Eat and drink, don't drink on its own.
  • Alcohol has a dehydrating effect, which causes the brain to shrink causing headaches. Drink plenty of water, while and after drinking, as this will counter the dehydration effect.
  • Taking in sugar before going to bed helps. Drink apple juice or any other kind of fruit juice without citric acid in before going to bed.
  • Avoid caffeine and acids before sleeping, as these will encourage dehydration and so brain shrinkage.
  • ABSOLUTELY NO ASPIRIN OR IBUPROFEN these will act with the alcohol to cause toxins in the digestive tract which can be very unhealthy i.e. death.
  • Use common sense. If you feel like chucking up, don't keep knocking them down.

Maybe the best deterrent is to think how alcohol is made. Yeast ferment (brew) the sugars in the mashed starting fruit/vegetable and turn it into alcohol and carbon dioxide. In other words alcohol is yeast excrement. Yeast excrement.

Happy drinkin'

Nitey nite.

(Yeti Pages values the health of it's visitors. If any mistakes have been made in the text above, please email me so that I can make the necessary adjustments)


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