Wednesday, August 11, 2004

A Canadian Odyssey

The Story
In early 2003 a band of young adventurers set forth for the North American continent, arriving finaly in Canada. What proceeded was a week of misery for the author, having only bruises and these few pictures from the hasty retreat to prove to the scrutinizing home crowd that the journey had happened.

This shows the kind of temperatures our brave adventures endured
The ice was at least an inch thick on branches, and snow that had fallen on top of bushes was frozen so much it could take authors weight.

Specialist equipment required
Our brave heros were kitted out in specialist protective equipment for the journey. Problem was they were designed to be used a couple of hundred miles further south.

The hotel
Thirty of us slept in this for the week. We came back better friends.

The view
This was the view from our hotel. The trickling water woke us up in the morning, but fortunately they turned it off at night for us.

One fatality
This is an action shot of Jimmy being swept off. According to witnesses he was brushing his teeth after breakfast at the hotel, when a freak gust of wind pushed him into the water. Jimmy is behind the mist along with the rest of the fountain, and can just be made out half way down.

Quickly into our journey we encountered the natives. This fellow is called Dan and he accompanied us through out our exploration.

This was our mode of transport for the week. Thirty of us had to be carried: some rode on the carriage; some on the horses themselves. The rest were dragged along on ropes behind the carriage (unluckily for them we didn't allow the horses to stop for toilet breaks). Our faithful steeds were Pippa and Phil.

I hope my short account of our Canadian Odyssey is of use to you. And remember, dispite looks, Canadians are people too.


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