Tuesday, October 26, 2004

I couldn't resist

Congratulations! You are the First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

The big guns! Most people go over you in high school calculus but fail to see your intrinsic beauty, but you know you're great.

Which Fundamental Theorem of Mathematics Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Yeti's walk alone

One good thing about my rough Yeti bad looks is that kids are afraid of me. I bumped into a kid as I was coming out of a McDonalds a couple of weeks ago (only for a milk shake because my throat felt like I had downed a shot of napalm, I hastily add) I looked around to say sorry as this was a rare incident where it was actually my fault, and he looked like a bunny in a set of headlights. This was no mamma's boy kid, this was a proper Kevin (what Kev's 'grow out' of) the kind that throw bricks through their own windows because they've broken all the other ones, and prowl the suburbs on BMXs because they are too short to reach the peddles on any cars. He said he was sorry with tears welling in wide eyes before I snaked out the restaurant (is that a hyena I hear?) and almost tripped over his BMX.

Well this is all well and good using my looks as a weapon against the little scrotes, but that gets me angry is how people who should know better don't.

To get from my seat of education to the seat infront of my computer I must traverse about two miles of roads. I have no problems with the roads, it's the morons (in a minority but still stubbornly present) that drive on it that i have problems with. If I had a penny for everytime some guy (its always the 'men') shouted out the window 'Get your hair cut' or some kind of name, in a way in which he believes he is the king of wit, I'd be employing some body to write this. So they can shout out of a window, how funny are you? (!) I have also been spat at out of the window of a moving white van, and given the finger on more than one occasion.

Why do they feel the need to make their presence known to some person walking down the road who they have seen for a maximum total of ten seconds? Do they honestly think what they are saying is in any way original or witty? Or is that too hard a concept for that duo of brain cells? Why do they feel the need to tell ten-second-Joe what to do? All I'm trying to do is get home.

If they aren't shouting they're staring. Again its always the men so I can't trick myself into thinking "Maybe she thinks I'm good looking". Almost every car (with a male in) feels the need to stare. Again, why? I look up. They're staring back at me. In some ways this is worse. They need to get a good look at the freak show on the pavement, analyzing, instead of allowing their primeval brain to function and shout their dominance out of the window.

On the good side of things. They're are a couple of those morons out there suitably embarrassed now as they have honked their horns at a guy instead of that cute girl my back seems to resemble. That isn't the good side of things is it?

Keep your window up.

Nitey nite.

Doc Yeti is in session

C2H5OH, better known to the rest of the world as alcohol.

After seeing Trevor drink himself through the family wine cellar, and then seeing the resulting hangover, I feel prompted to write about some remedies to the headache of the morning. Something my associates may value aswell.

  • Stick to clear alcohol, excessive beer drinking is only for the fans of pain
  • Eat and drink, don't drink on its own.
  • Alcohol has a dehydrating effect, which causes the brain to shrink causing headaches. Drink plenty of water, while and after drinking, as this will counter the dehydration effect.
  • Taking in sugar before going to bed helps. Drink apple juice or any other kind of fruit juice without citric acid in before going to bed.
  • Avoid caffeine and acids before sleeping, as these will encourage dehydration and so brain shrinkage.
  • ABSOLUTELY NO ASPIRIN OR IBUPROFEN these will act with the alcohol to cause toxins in the digestive tract which can be very unhealthy i.e. death.
  • Use common sense. If you feel like chucking up, don't keep knocking them down.

Maybe the best deterrent is to think how alcohol is made. Yeast ferment (brew) the sugars in the mashed starting fruit/vegetable and turn it into alcohol and carbon dioxide. In other words alcohol is yeast excrement. Yeast excrement.

Happy drinkin'

Nitey nite.

(Yeti Pages values the health of it's visitors. If any mistakes have been made in the text above, please email me so that I can make the necessary adjustments)

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

For those of you who don't know me

Due to the moment of my birth and the relative possitions of cellestial bodies, this is my apparent personality.

I'll leave you to make your own conclusions on the validity.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Journey to the heart of Sweden

Did I say Sweden? I meant Ikea.

It is a commonly held misconception that the M6 is a major transport artery running from Rugby to Carlise via Birmingham and Manchester. It is, in actual fact, the queue for Ikea at Wednesbury. Try using the M6 at the weekend anywhere near Wednesbury and you'll encounter the longest and narrowest car park ever constructed in Britain. If you manage to get off the 'motorway' and into the official Ikea car park you can expect to drive around the perimeter ( I say 'drive', movement is a rare, blessed event) stalking for a place to turn the engine off. Although this is unlikely as nobody is about to leave because it's an hour before the store opens.

Proceed to the store entrance where helpful staff are teaching the rabble Swedish folk songs while they sway around a burning MDF bedside table toasting marshmallows. It's mostly the women who are joining in as this makes the time between then and the moment they can get their hands on the authentik Svedish furnituren shorter. The husbands, boyfriends, sons and any other heterosexual male unfortunate enough to be there, have turned into zombies hoping to go back to the car to have that lie in they were promised.

The moment comes when the doors are unlocked and an avalanche of biblical proportions occurs, flooding the entrance hall with furniture starved monsters, crushing the flaming bedside table to cinders. The men meanwhile, carried by this tidal wave, look to the left wishing they were under three feet tall so they can go in the ballpark. The race is on to get the sacred yellow satchel/basket and get around the store in the longest time possible looking at everything.

Ikea must be the only store to have a route map instead of a floor plan. But it makes sense as there is a strict, but unspoken, traffic system inside, the main walk way: this is the widest part where people can walk and therefore is the busiest and slowest way of getting around, the slowest part being in the middle speeding up alittle further towards the edge (fastest here as no-one stands here as being stationary here results in painful collisions). The furniture maze: this section is located off the main walk way as storing furniture in the main walkway would be stupid. This place has many many narrow paths meaning this area is easily congested, but don't worry you will be able to look at the fruits of Swedish furniture engineering. The maze however can offer shoutcuts across the store as some areas of the maze are less popular than others, the determined customer can make a quick advance by using these areas. Around the course there are pencil stations which allow the men to play mini-games collecting as many pencils as possible, though only one pencil per station, and/or making bandanas out of the paper measuring tapes.

The first area is called 'Living room'. A more appropriate classification would be 'Living confinement' as there isn't room to swing a fluffy cushion DØG. Every seat, rug, sofa, bookshelf, beanbag is sat upon, rendering the maze a perfect model of the car park outside. Around the course there are examples of rooms from the perfect, money-isn't-a-problem house, including the bedrooms which the men are trying to get their lie-ins on, and the kitchen areas full of tools which will mash, blend, clone or purée fruit you didn't know existed. Eventually you will make it to the end of the first leg of the course, the next step being downstairs to the bulk sales, decorations and the furniture you actually buy.

The lower floor has a more industrial feel to it, the upper floor has hypnotised you into the glory of Ikea and thus no more expense is required in tarting up the place. Bulk sales mainly consist of crates upon crates of small white candles, and entire walls of mugs. Decorations is an obstacle course, especially for the long haired gentleman, becareful of those light fittings, they are lower and more fiddley then they appear. If you are unfortunate enough to encounter such a light fitting, you might see men infront and behind laughing, don't worry: those behind are laughing because they think you are an idiot, but you can just turn around later and laugh at them as they go through the same experience, hence the men infront laughing. Women need not worry about such things, the light fittings are lifted up by specially genetically engineered Swedish gnomes who are superglued to the ceiling. The final leg of the Ikea experience is the 'Self Serve Furniture'.

Self Serve Furniture sounds so much like a buffet, but is decidedly lacking. This is where the glorious sets seen on the upper floor are put through a process created by the greatest Swedish engineers and mathematicians of the moment, the end product is called the Flat-Pack.

The Flat-Pack is the mathematical goal of turning a three dimensional object into a two dimensional object while keeping it in existence the entire time, simulateously making the instructions turn from poetry to abstract art. The result is a super dense box which weighs upwards of a tonne, but cannot be found for several hours. This is partly due to the Raiders of the Lost Ark style warehouse in which it is kept.

Once the items have been found proceed to the checkout which lends much of its design to cattle farms. This is finally where the men get to have their lie ins as queue time is approximately three weeks, and by this time the two dimensional containers are exceedingly comfortable. As soon as the family fortune is handed over its finally to the exit which is guarded by two charity box weilding old men who are highly trained in the art of looking lowly, thus creating a bottle neck pushing escape back further and further.

Back in the outside world and enjoying the taste of air which hasn't been pre-breathed by the population base of Milton Keynes, the game now is to find the car. Which may or may not be under five other cars by now.

Keep spendin'

Nitey nite.


Here's one for you to think about.

In your average box of weetabix there are 24 buscuits. If I eat three of these buscuits a day, I will be able to have eight days of weetabixy fun. However, when ever I come to the end of a packet there is always one left.

How is this possible?

Have I found a flaw in basic mathematics as we know it?

If I have, can I call it the Yeti-Weetabix paradox?

Keep countin'

Nitey nite