Thursday, November 18, 2004

Help The Yeti

I am no blogging veteran. I've only been releasing my thoughts into the unmoderated internet for five months now, and clicking the next blog button dozens of times I've seen blogs years long. This would suggest there are many (why isn't 'many' spelt 'meny'?) things for me to write about. But this isn't the case. 95% of the time I've got writters block. 4% of the time I'm not in a state of mind to type anything (this is the posh way of saying I'm too lazy to type anything).

So this is where you come in. In the comments put suggestions for things for me to write, but please keep them clean and remember an under 18 might stumble upon this site one day and I really wouldn't want angry parents complaining.



Blogger Steffie said...

but we are under 18

6:48 pm  
Blogger Georgina said...

i think suzies idea is a good one


7:34 pm  
Blogger ʎ said...

i will write about neither of those words you dirty turtlehugger orgy

8:03 pm  
Blogger Heather said...

i have only been writing in my own blog since june, but i find it useful for general venting, about work and what not. but i try to keep it general, and not to specific, but always keep the rule of never, ever going back and deleting anything that i say.

as for suggestions on things to write about...i don't know. but since i have been reading your blog, i have really dug some of the stuff you have written, especially the piece about ikea, and the latest about the kit kat's (except, i would of went back and sampled all the other chocolate goodness as well!)

keep up the writing, you are very talented.

bye from canada
heather d.

12:19 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:14 pm  
Blogger ʎ said...


Congratulations, you are the last person to post anonymously.

7:41 pm  

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