Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I write to you this evening in the company of a large belly. A belly so full that the chair wheezed when it was sat on. And this belly just happens to belong to me. The reason for this sudden change in volume is due to today being the eve of Ash Wednesday, the day before the first day of lent.

For this annual period of "giving something up" I have decided to give up chocolate and chips, a rather foolish decision as this makes up at least 60% of my current diet. Being a man/boy (or whatever noun is used for this transitional period) of no religion this seems quiet a strange decision to make, to give something up when it isn't assumed of me. But I find it should provide a way for me to give up sneaking to that draw at the end of the kitchen that whispers so seductively to me whenever I step in the room, and beckons me to take just one more Rolo biscuit or KitKat and promises me that it will be the last one ever. Honest. If I feel as though I'm doing it for someone else instead of myself, I think I should be able to see it through. The chips I'm giving up simply because there are some weeks where I have them everyday, which is getting a little monotonous.

So today, on this hallowed day of Pancake Day, I said my goodbyes to the foods that have been with me for so long, by stuffing my face with anything that has even the infinitesimal amount of chocolate in it. To represent chips I used crisps by raiding the crisp cupboard that was handily located beneath the chocolate draw. For a couple of hours I was Pacman, eating everything in my way, even "....wokka wokka wokka...." escaping from my mouth. Both draw and cupboard are bare now leaving only chocolate wrapped around some preserved fruit and cheese and onion crisps.

Of course starting is the easy part. Even looking to the future of my meals is a little daunting but isn't causing me panic yet. I know I am so picky about food that I will probably be living off bacon sandwiches and beans on toast for the next couple of weeks (did someone say something about monotony?), but the fact hasn't actually sunk in yet.

And anyway, forty days isn't that long is it? Right?

Well if worst comes to worst I can always try fruit....


(If you are wondering why the title of this post is in an abbreviated form it is because I was trying to think of a witty title for this post which would abbreviate to LENT, but couldn't think of one, or a better title. But the night is young for me to think of something and I've got enough sugar in me to keep me up for most of it)


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