Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The award for the bleedingly obvious goes to...

A packet of pistachio nuts. Check out the label:

  • Ingredients: First ingredient (the substance of greatest proportion in the item) Pistachio nuts. No shit Sherlock.
  • WARNING:May contain traces of other nuts. Some pichachios trying to smuggle some friends in?
  • Produce of more than one country: The shells have 'Made in Taiwan' on them, I can't see if there's anything on the nut.


Blogger Heather said...

how about mars bars having the small words "energy bar" under the word mars?

uhhhh, DUH! it PURE SUGAR!

4:42 pm  
Blogger Heather said...

"it's" pure sugar...ugh...

4:43 pm  

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