Monday, March 28, 2005

Cry For Help

This is a cry for help off anyone and everyone reading this, I have completely lost my muse.

I can't write about anything.

I stopped writting over christmas because I was waiting for a laptop to be repaired so I could type in comfort instead of at this awful, aging desktop.

But the guy 'fixing' the laptop didn't do anything and when I gave it to another guy to have a look at it the motherboard (or something) slipped from it's mortal coil.

But while I wasn't looking/typing my muse left me like a father-to-be in the night.

This is a desperate plea for people to help me in any way they can.


Blogger Mariasha said...

Write about something you care about, something that means something to you?

10:07 pm  
Blogger Heather said...

YETI! read that e-mail i sent you today and read that article. it might help.

i was addicted to your writings right away, because of your post about IKEA from many moons ago. your muse is still there. but she might be out on vacation for a short time.

when i doubt, write about what you know. school, friends, weird family members, past memories...ANYTHING!!

2:38 am  
Blogger Heather said...

uhhh, duh...

"when IN doubt write what you know"


2:39 am  

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