Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Google game

Yes that's right, another game to play on everybodys' favourite search engine.

Type a phrase into google (with inverted comma's) and see how many hits down the first blog is (you can tell by the green URL under the hit if it isn't obvious).

I typed in "make me cool" and the very first hit was http://shazzle.blogspot.com/.

It's worth a read if you're bored. It's also worth a read if you're not bored.

N.B. If you want a guide on how to be socially cool don't bother searching with google, it'll only give you sites on how to trap yourself in the freezer and song lyrics.


Blogger ʎ said...

what phrase did you type in?

6:37 pm  
Blogger Shazzle said...

Thanks for the recommendation! Just in case you were wondering, my blog used to be called "drugs make me cool", so lots of weird searches - usually involving the searcher trying to make their own drugs - lead to me. I'm now the top search for "dreadful nonsense" which makes me terribly proud.

7:14 pm  

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