Monday, April 04, 2005

Suddenly solitary

It is now 6:40 PM and an hour ago I saw the first person in the flesh today.

I was on my bed reading a book earlier this afternoon when two things happened. One, it started to rain, big fat lumps of water thudded against my window and turned all but the horizon grey. And two, I heard a sound from outside my room that I couldn't tell whether it was a bee or the first bit of the Marriage of Figaro. I don't know which of these made me look up from my book, but when I did and looked out to see the raindrops rolling down my window I made a startling discovery, I hadn't seen another human being in the flesh all day.

What startled me even more is that I hadn't realised this earlier, it's kinda strange when you don't realise you're on your own.

My sister is in the USA at the moment on a skiing trip with school, and my parents have their respective jobs which leaves me on my own in the house. This has been the way for almost a week now as I am on Easter holiday. I've been out once with friends and should be going out again on Friday (pending I can scrounge the funds), but that's it. So my routine for the week has been wake up, lie in, have breakfast, go on computer and go on an infinite loop on a finite amount of websites trying to find something new, fail, have lunch, read, have tea, watch TV, go to bed. It might be a couple of lines worth but it isn't much really. It has never occurred to me that I'm doing it all alone.

One more week to go then I'm back to school for six weeks, I can't wait for it. I get to see my friends for free, have something to do, get outside the house, have some interaction with more than four over familiar walls.

Then after that, exams, and after that the end of school. No 'end of school until September' or just 'summer holidays' it is the actual end of school. No more cradle that has housed and structured me since the beginning of the fuzzy memories. It marks the time where I've got to get on on my own, maybe in more ways than one.


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