Friday, April 01, 2005


Hello campers
I write to you on this unremarkable morning from the centre of Yetiville, known locally as the town centre. And this is where I present to you reason #37 of the 'Why God doesn't exist list'. Reason #37 goes something like this: "8.42 AM”. No all-loving and benevolent God would create 8.42 in the morning and it's earlier counterpart, for his (or her as I think would be more accurate but that’s a story for another day) subjects to live through.

Anyway, back to the program. I am in this town centre at such and unholy hour to pay £9 into the bank. Due to the field of unemployabitiy I generate around myself I have to scrape together every last coin I can lay my hands on and save them up. This has given me a somewhat bohemian saving technique, I am able to save for months on end, apart from when the value of that money meets the value of any book or DVD or other trinket that I happen to lay my eyes on.

Ooooooooh an old friend of my sister's (NB: that is, she was a friend of my sister but that is no longer the case) who has turned into a chav has walked past.

That means nothing to you.

I can tell.

So this £9 which is going to be oh-so-embarrassing to pay in is going towards two DVDs and a book, so much for just one Yeti so that I can get the free shipping from

I'm so tired. This and next week are supposed to be Easter holiday i.e. a time of chocolate and lie-ins. You might have noticed that my latest posts have had more or less a common theme, to which I thank you for noticing and remembering. An (un)chocolatey lent has had lasting consequences, I've got two bars of chocolate in my bedroom and I have no desire to eat either of them. (A kid next to me has just said "But it's not a woman" I'm hoping she didn't mean me). Smokers beware, if you like smoking don't observe it for lent, you'll drop it forever. As for lie-ins, I don't think I’ve had one this week, which is just the peak of irony as during school

And this is where the bank opened and I folded up the photocopy of my passport I had found in my wallet and was writing the above on, and went it the back to pay in the £9. I tried to play it cool when I asked to pay it in with the "aren't I goofy only paying £9 into the bank" tone, and the teller seemed to get it, but she got it too well and the event ended up being embarrassing for me.

Reason #863: Michael Winner, no all loving all benevolent God would make....


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