Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Kit-Kat of doom

There is a draw at the end of the kitchen
It's full of chocolate bars and chocolate biccys etc
I don't usually venture into this draw
There are usually packets of the 'fun size' bars
With only one or two items missing
If I eat one
I'll eventually eat my way through the entire packet
The other day I was just browsing through
Window shopping of the draw variety if you like
When I spied some dark chocolate Kit-Kats
One out of eight already eatten
This is new
Kit-Kats in my day only came in milk chocolate
The economy chocolate of the chocolate world
If it's a chocolate bar ninety nine out of a hundred times it'll be milk chocolate
Why am I writing like this?
Almost no grammar involved
So I tried one of those new dark chocolate Kit-Kats
Ripped open the paper wrapper
Carefully pealed back the foil and re-wrapped it around the base of the Kit-Kat
Of course one problem of writing like this is that the spell checker will crash
Grammatical error meltdown
So that my fingers wouldn't get melted chocolate on them
And took a bite
But at this point I was distracted
I don't know by what
But I wasn't concentrating on the taste
When ever the distractor had ceased distracting
I had found
To my horror
I had eatten all the Kit-Kat and was knawing on the foil
Fortionally I have no fillings
Which isn't bad for a seventeen year old with an self imposed allery to fruit and veg
Well I spat the foil out and carried on with what I was doing before
Most likey looking at a small selection of web sites on an infinite loop
Which are two words that in this context mean the same so it was quite a waste of a line
I happened to remember that draw at the end of the kitchen
And the dark chocolate Kit-Kats within
And that I couldn't remember the taste but a distinct memory of tin foil
I took out another Kit-Kat
And then ate it
As one might expect with a chocolate bar
And this time I did remember the taste
It wasn't bad
Nothing to write home about
Even though I was already in my house
Five Kit-Kats out of eight left
Cor this is alot of lines
A bit later I went back to that draw
There were other things in there
Chocolate wrapped around biscuit wrapped around something sugary
And bars of sugar wrapped around sugar wrapped around sugar wrapped around chocolate
And all had at least one bar missing out of their respective packets
But I didn't look at these
Exotic as they were compared to a Kit-Kat
Even of the dark chocolate variety
I hadn't eatten any of these
So my taste buds didn't care for them
They were targeted on those five remaining Kit-Kats
My tongue an exocet missile targeted on chocolate
So I ate one
Then another
Then another
Then another
Then another
But not in that order
Or in the time it took to read that
But one by one I shuffled them all off their mortal foil
Now I ignore that draw at the end of my kitchen
For now

Spell checker has crashed


Blogger Steffie said...


5:51 pm  
Blogger ʎ said...

nah, felt like writing something but couldnt bring myself to jump start the grammar in my brain

7:52 pm  
Blogger Adri said...

Mmmmh kitkats..

10:52 am  

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