Saturday, January 29, 2005

March 21st

Here is something I never thought I'd say: I miss summer.

Every year up until now I've been quite content being in winter and loathing summer. Seeing the sun set closer and closer to the south every night, a fanfare to the shortening days and blossoming cold. I used to run down to the local shop in only a T-shirt and jeans when it rained in one of the colder months to buy some totally unneeded thing just so I could go out in the rain. The cold never seemed to effect me. I used to sleep with my window open well into November, only closing it when one or both parents started moaning about something called central heating, a term I wasn't quite familiar with then. I had a skin of asbestos. And while the season was being taken for granted, the setting sun would sneakily creep north along the horizon, telling the tales of long, hot, sticky, drawn out days to come. I hated it. I wished it wouldn't happen.

But this year it was different.

The excitement of the shortening days was there at the beginning, how the sun would have set before I got home from school, and the cool gentle winds blowing away the last traces of summer. The scenes of pristine snow under cloudless skies, or twinkling frost meandering around leafless trees filled my mind greedily.

But in a day I got older, the childhood ability to ignore or even enjoy the cold deserted me. Everything in winter got colder and harsher. The winds sliced through any clothing, sleeves became wind tunnels to send chilling air swirling around my belly. The frost encircled the skeleton trees to bite any exposed skin. The snow, never came. The cloud filled skies turned everything shades of grey, depressing the landscape and me along with it. My hands turning unhealthy shades of purple and orange. I feel tired and hungry all the time.

I now look forward to those summer days. Those early quiet mornings, the bright light and the long shadows. The long warm summer nights where the sky is a unique random painting of cloud and setting colours, reflected yellow on a background of blue-green-orange-yellow-red all the way to the sunkissed horizon. The life in the land around me and the life in me.

March 21st, the last day of winter.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Odd Rules

I've found that drawing is a great way to distract your mind if you're feeling alittle down so this afternoon I produced this. Its chalk (on a blackboard for originality) and it is about 1.6 metres high. It's taken me about four hours to do and I think it's the best piece of art work I have ever done. I am particularly proud of the Knight, I can normally only draw geometric shapes (i.e. what every other chess piece is made of) but that Knight is amazing for my non-artistic talents, if I do say so myself. Anyway, I hope you have all had a nice new year and have found it easy to get back into routein.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Yoda's Stories

Well if you have been here before 20th December you might have been expecting to see this blog updated alittle more frequently, but there is a good reason for the absence of posts. I have been waiting for a laptop computer to be fixed and find it's way back to me so that I can write in a little more comfort. Hopefully by the time this laptop gets back to me I'll have somethings to write about.

Anyway, for the many purpose of this post: I have been searching for a copy of "Star Wars Yoda's Stories" for the PC for many many years now, but I have never found a copy. I have looked high and low, I have even contacted Lucas Arts themselves but they can't provide me with a copy. So if you own a copy for the PC and is not titled "Yoda's Challenge" as some on-line shops seem to get confused with, and you don't want it anymore get in contact and maybe we could do business.

Nitey Nite.