Monday, February 14, 2005


This post was supposed to be about (St.) Valentine's day. It wasn't going to be about how overly commercial it is and how the true meaning of the day (if there is one, I'll Wiki it later) has gone, for this point, in my opinion, has been over done, laboured past were it is still interesting. No, this post was supposed to be about how I viewed the whole event (a strange thing to be writing in a blog I know, stating one's own thoughts who'd have thought) and how it affected me, like how when asked by girls what I would want for Valentine's day so they would have an idea what to buy their boyfriend's I would always answer "I don't know" as there is something deeply tragic about some other person getting what I would want. Or how I wish I could grow up and get it out of my head that the days of the primary school taunting "#Gareth's got a girlfriend. Gareth's got a girlfriend#" when the slightest bit of affection for a girl (“#Hehe#”) is shown are over and could finally be a bit more open about my feelings. But, despite the apparent length of this opening paragraph, I'm not ready to talk about this....oh hello. Is this my shrink? Excellent, just put him in the corner, thanks. FedEx, is there anything they won't deliver?

No, instead this post is going to be about superpowers.

A common question on internet questionnaires, be it something like Quizilla or one of the e-mail questionnaires that everybody say they hate but fill in anyway, is that if you were to have one superpower what would it be? (The context of the question in the questionnaires is for the enjoyment of the user and not for the fight against evil/good.)
  • To fly? Presumably this would require some kind of effort on behalf of the anti-gravity protester and so would be tiring. This introduces a problem, this merry isle we call Britain is surrounded by water, if you start to get tired somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic, well, I hope you can swim.
  • To become invisible? I can see no everyday use for this. Some bozo will then say "I could steal things and get away with it". Does getting away with it mean that a store full of people won't see a can of beans floating in mid air towards the door?
  • To swing from webs like Spiderman? How far are you going to swing off a one-storey building? Hellllllooo Mr. Pavement.
  • To have x-ray vision? There is only one kind of person who would find this useful. Doctors. I bet you were thinking I was going to say something else. A doctor would find this power useful for obvious reasons, to see how much money you have on you.
  • To be super strong? "Look honey, I can break things easier"
  • To have frinkin' laser beams coming out of your eyes? If health and safety find out you can do that the only thing you'll be lighting is a fire in a drum down some back alley with your new hobo friends.
  • To change shape into animals/inanimate objects? I'll be honest with you, I don't think many people have the desire to change into a toaster.

As you can see, many 'standard' superpowers have very little use in a 'have breakfast-go to work-have dinner-go to bed' life. So I pick none of these. Instead, I choose the 'temporally-free consciousness' power. This might take a little explaining since I have just made it up.

Every day you make choices, many if not all won't have too much of a dramatic effect on you life. But every now and then a choice will come along which might just open two or more avenues of the rest of your life. What if you make the wrong decision? Well basically that's it, you get on with it because there is nothing you can do about it. But what if every conscious thought you have is connected to every other conscious thought you have had and will have? If you could do this you could make a choice and see how it pans out. If it goes well, great! If it doesn't, your past self knows it was the wrong mistake because it is connected with your current self's thoughts and then can make another decision until the optimum decision is made. Of course there is the problem of a massive amount of information being processed on your consciousness with infinite choice permutations from the moment of birth to the moment of death. But hey, you could always choose not to worry about it.

Temporally-free consciousness, the optimum choice for the power crazed and insecure.


Blogger Steffie said...

your brain would go BOOM! and trickle out your nose

8:52 pm  
Blogger Steffie said...

thats rogue and you wudnt want her power cus u cant touch anyone cus they die when she touches them, lalala i didnt used to watch the xmen cartoon or anything :P

6:39 pm  
Blogger ʎ said...

i thought it was only humans she killed on contact. she temporarily obtained a mutants powers if she touched them, they didnt die but they needed some strong asprin afterwards like wolverine and magneto. (im just going on what i saw in the films, i dont know how much was changed)

8:51 pm  
Blogger Steffie said...

if she touches them for long enough they will die

7:30 pm  

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