Sunday, June 26, 2005


Tomorrow is my last A-level exam, the fearsome physics Synoptic. This exam pulls together all the things our motley crew of young physicists have learnt over the past two years. Since I have trouble remembering the previous day sometimes (I wish I was joking) I should probably be up to my eyes in physics text books. But I'm not.

Tomorrow marks the end. The end of my life as I have known it for...well, all my life. At 3:30 tomorrow afternoon the summer holidays don't start, school ends. No more school. At all. Ever. In about nineteen hours time I will be an 'adult' proper. If you've gone through this before, or if you know me, this is a pretty terrifying thing: like sitting in a car which for the past eighteen years has been coasting along a reasonably comfortable highway; but in nineteen hours there's no more tarmac, just a shear vertical cliff with a lot of down.

This metaphor goes along way to explaining my recent thoughts of my own mortality, if the last eighteen years have raced by, and time only speeds up, how long until I start elevating daisies? And other such sentiments.

How am I going to be remembered?

If there's one way to be remembered after you've kicked the proverbial bucket is to have a number named after you: h, Plank's constant; H, Hubble's constant (whatever the hell it is); Na, Avogadro's number (but that's chemistry so we talk about that in hushed tones); Stefan-Boltzmann constant, etc etc.

That's just a small fraction of numbers that have special names. But since numbers are infinite, that group is a very small and elite group. So this is where I propose to find my immortality.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Yeti's Number!!


This number is found by associating letters with numbers in the simplest way (A is 1, B is 2....Z is 26).

Multiplying the numbers that are associated with the word YETI. Y*E*T*I=22500

Then raising 10 to this number. 10^22500

As far as google can tell me, this number means nothing to anyone, because it's so flipping huge. The number is a one followed by twenty two thousand, five hundred zeros. This number is so big and useless; the width of the universe in millimetres is probably a smaller number.

But this is how I will go down in history, by claiming a number with no practical use at its christening.

Yeti's number.


As it has been correctly been brought to my attention, no number worth it's salt doesn't have a special symbol to show that that number is special. Therefore, to denote Yeti's number the symbol of a reversed lambda would be used. I would show you this specail symbol for Yeti's number, but blogger has no respect for the character map.


Blogger Georgina said...

So my number could be 10^1518725 ?

7:01 pm  
Blogger Georgina said...

And shouldnt you're number be 255209?

7:02 pm  
Blogger Georgina said...

Yeh forget that last comment, i re-read the post >_>

7:02 pm  

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