Thursday, February 17, 2005

Time Filler

Hey ducks.
I've got about an hour and ten minutes to kill before a program about nuclear fusion comes on TV so I thought about I'd write something. Nothing of particular interest but something none the less. Besides, I can't think of anything else to do sad as it is. I've just spent about an hour reading about various things on Wiki without my glasses so my vision is kind of blurry and nauseating, so I can't go and read something. Just another sign that I'm getting old, adding to my quarter-life crisis.

Another sign that I'm getting old is that I went to a university open day today at Aston University. To cut an uninteresting story short it looked like any other university, nothing wrong with it, but hardly anything to fill a paragraph with. We had a tour around the halls of residence, or the cupboards with a sink as they would more accurately be described, but they had a nice view of the back of the adjacent building. I didn't really need to go on around the halls as I'll be living at home if go to Aston or Birmingham University, but it was quite an eye opener for me, if St. Andrews ever get back to me with an offer I'd (obviously) have to live up there as it's a decent 500 miles away. I think I'd like to go to St. Andrews, not because it's propaganda department did a better job of selling it that Aston or Birmingham, but because I know if I don't leave home soon I think I'll still be living here when I'm forty because my home sickness is so strong. It'd be nice to have a big change, but looking at the unusual walls of the halls of residence of Aston I felt home sick even there, so to settle in to a new home in effectively a different country knowing absolutely no one (yet another big problem for me) and then be expected to study would be very hard. That is of course, if they ever get back to me.

On a side note, UP YOURS BRISTOL AND WARWICK!!! (They declined me a position).

Fifty-six minutes to go.

Bit a hole into my forefinger today, and it starts to bleed if I try to do anything too dextrous. I keep doing things like that, my teeth are obviously too sharp. I bit a chunk out of my lip a couple of weeks ago thinking it was a scab. But it wasn't. It was right in the middle of the bottom lip, so whenever I smiled or laughed or even sneezed the small amount of what had healed ripped open again, which was rather painful. Plus it didn't help that I picked at it, much to the chagrin of some of my friends. However, I am happy to report that it is almost fully healed now, with only the little bits of skin that overlap sticking up out of my lip. No only if I could stop biting my fingers.

Forty-nine minutes to go.

Need the loo. Back in a sec.

Forty-seven minutes to go.

Cup of tea and a game of solitaire.

Forty one minutes to go.

Ok, just a cup of tea now, I got bored of solitaire. I hate it when you get a game where all the beginning cards are the same colour, or towards the end where you can't put all the kings in the leftmost slots next to each other, or when the one card you need to complete the whole thing is under a card which you can't move. And the status bar, I had to turn that off, first turning off the time mode then the whole thing looking in despair as my score went down a hundred points just for turning over the deck. Here's a tip if you want to improve your game, listen to Franz Ferdinand. Someone out there I'm sure has given up the 'Undo' button for lent.

Speaking of lent it is going surprisingly well. The chips I don't miss at all, mostly, dinner doesn't seem to be too much of a problem without them. The absence of chocolate is going well as well, but I say this because mum has started buying shortbread biscuits instead of chocolate biscuits so I'm getting though at least twenty a day. Must cut down. Must cut down. Do you think they do a shortbread patch?

Or gum?

Thirty-four minutes to go.

A friend of my picked out my signature tune the other day, 'Somebody to love' by Queen, my beloved audience, I challenge you to the first line of that song.

Twenty-nine minutes to go.

Last day of half term tomorrow. And for it a plan on doing bugger all followed by a light lunch followed by bugger all followed by watching various sitcoms on ABC1 on freeview, my favourites being '8 Simple Rules...' of the John Ritter era, and 'Mad About You', while silently go mad due to the too frequent 'commercial' breaks of adverts for its own programs which never change. I have been watching ABC1 now for almost two months, there is a break just after the titles of a program and just before the credits, shows run back to back more or less. So there will be an advert for some terrible melodramatic midday soap, then the credits of the program, a short introduction for the next program, then the titles and then the same advert for the terrible melodramatic midday soap. It's like a small piece of American advertising policy right in your living room. It makes you wonder if they'll eventually start running commercials at the same time as the programs.

The freeview box which I what the two previously mentioned programs on is in the living room. This isn't too bad as there's some nice comfortable sofas in there. But when somebody rings us mum will answer the cordless phone and shout into it standing right next to the TV, or when mum or dad gets back from work they'll start talking and stand infront of the TV or generally do anything so I don't have a clue what's going on in the story. And if I turn up the volume I'm the rude one.

Sixteen minutes to go.

Well I think I'll go now. This machine is getting old now and it sometimes decides to restart instead of turn off so I've got to be around to sort it out. A world without computers, bliss. I've also got to track down the dibber (TV remote) in my room, it's wandered off somewhere.

So goodnight, if you've read this far well done you must be as bored as I am. If you haven't read this far, well you're not reading this so I don't have to say anything to you.

Goodnight ducks.


Blogger Betty said...

I must say '8 simple rules' is a good show, i became quite obsessive over the show and i have now seen all the episodes, hehe ooo and did you know the girl with the curly red hair (kerry)is actually older than the other girl (bridget) in real life... hehe

9:02 pm  
Blogger Mariasha said...

as to the question 'Can anybody find me somebody to love?'

You can love anybody and everybody. The more people you love the better life is.

8:03 pm  
Blogger Heather said...

oh yeti, you make me giggle.

move away from home, it will be the best thing you've ever done. and it will make your parentals love you more, and send you care packages full of kit kat's and crisps.

6:04 pm  

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