Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The award for the bleedingly obvious goes to...

A packet of pistachio nuts. Check out the label:

  • Ingredients: First ingredient (the substance of greatest proportion in the item) Pistachio nuts. No shit Sherlock.
  • WARNING:May contain traces of other nuts. Some pichachios trying to smuggle some friends in?
  • Produce of more than one country: The shells have 'Made in Taiwan' on them, I can't see if there's anything on the nut.

Ok intro's

Blog, chocolate cheesecake I've been waiting for five+ weeks for. Chocolate cheesecake I've been waiting for five+ weeks for, blog.

The cheesecake I have in front of me is one the richest, sweetest, sickliest and delicious chocolate cheesecake I have ever had the pleasure to eat. I first found this cheesecake two christmases ago when at the local supermarket on a cold a chilling Christmas Eve night. The queue for the checkout had so many people in with trolleys filled to the brim (mainly with alcohol) that the line had extended up the frozen ailse. I stood there with my mum, bored to tears counting the ceiling tiles for god only knows how many times when, for some reason I forget now, I looked down into the freezer compartment and there it was: a picture of a slice of the divine pudding on the front of a purple box haloed with the flourecent glow of the freezer lighting. Immediatly I knew I had to have it, when my mum wasn't looking I slipped one of the boxes under the twenty-seventh bottle of Martini and when we finally got to the checkout some time on Christmas morning I distracted her as the till read out said 'Chocolate Cheesecake.....£Too Much'. There, I had it.

Later on that day, when all the crackers were pulled, a fifth of the turkey eaten and all the washing up ignored, came the moment when I got to eat the divine pudding. At that first bite all the cells in my body shriveled with osmotic pleasure. I was thirsty until march.

Since then I have only indulged on two more of these cheesecakes, sometimes because I wanted to put up the charade of trying to be healthy, but mainly because there hasn't always been enough Martini bottles. But in the gaps inbetween cheesecake I could remember the taste of that first bite.

And then, lent.

It was no secret that I had done that no atheist should do, especially to my family who had to deal with the screams of lust for chocolate and chips in the night, over the past five+ weeks I've had enough tranquilizers forced upon me to kill a rhino and everything else in that food chain. However much pain it had been to live without my beloved KitKats and chips, and the offering of such subsistence from my associates who 'had forgotten' my pledge, I managed to get through the forty days. And to celebrate I planned to have a very chocolatey easter, the crowning glory of the event being The Chocolate Cheesecake.

I walk to the fridge in apparent slow motion and open it, ignoring the smell of what seems to be a rotting carcass. I pull out that purple box I remember so well from so many years ago and begin to tear into it. As a piece of the box floats to the floor it catches the light and I see it out of the corner of my eye. It has words on it. I read it. It says 'Could you save a piece for Dad? Mum,' I let out a howl as the realisation that the whole is not to be mine. That I have to share it with a third of the three who did not save me any pizza from a few short nights ago.

My heart swells and a tear buds in my eye. I fall to my knees on the kitchen tiles and stare at the incomplete cheesecake in my right hand.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Cry For Help

This is a cry for help off anyone and everyone reading this, I have completely lost my muse.

I can't write about anything.

I stopped writting over christmas because I was waiting for a laptop to be repaired so I could type in comfort instead of at this awful, aging desktop.

But the guy 'fixing' the laptop didn't do anything and when I gave it to another guy to have a look at it the motherboard (or something) slipped from it's mortal coil.

But while I wasn't looking/typing my muse left me like a father-to-be in the night.

This is a desperate plea for people to help me in any way they can.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Wiki's, infantile, vulgar, immature, ruder and funnier little brother

The Uncyclopedia , a self confessed "encyclopedia full of misinformation and utter lies".

Pressing alt-x will lead to some interesting pages, most being being bloody funny.

Thanks go to Secret for the initial link.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

How many have you read?

Here is a list of books that have been banned in times gone by.

Recognise any?

Read any?

There are some really weird entries on there, like a couple of Shakespear's plays. I'm all for banning Shakespear after the horrors of GCSE english, but I'm surprised to see them on a list of banned books.

Although the strangest has got to be 'James and the Giant Peach' by Roald Dahl, LOOK AWAY CHILDREN!!! UNHOLY FERTILIZER!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Saturday 12th

This morning I woke up fairly healthy.

This morning I ate Weetabix and milk (milk that was two days after it's best before date).

Midday I ate cheese on baguette melt with alot of cheese, some of which hadn't melted fully.

This afternoon I ate some popcorn with butter on so it wasn't too dry.

This evening I ate half a large Pizza Hut pizza, margarita.

Tonight I go to bed lactose intolerant.

Monday, March 07, 2005


How do you defibrillate a blog?

Clock staring

Forty five minutes left on an eBay bid.

Can you feel the tension?

Friday, March 04, 2005

HTML Theft

I am in the (free) market for a couple of lines of code to put into my blog template.

The code should display a short line of text somewhere on the blog that changes everytime someone loads the page. Obviously it'd be nice if I get to choose what the text says.

For an example of what I want go to this site for an idea of what I'm talking about (look at the top), and for an entertaining blog. (He can knock out a decent novel too).

I'll also need to know how to splice it into my template.

Help me with this and you recieve my eternal gratitude for a week and the Yeti gods will protect you from the mutant slugs of Blargon 7.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Time travel and stamps

For your convenience time travel has been invinted for fast parcels that got there yesterday

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Public service announcement

I simply must bring this game to the attention of the masses. When it loads click on the top most Japanese words then click on one of the blue dots.

It doesn't sound like much now, but you'll thank me after.